Mystical Unity
Heavily based on the genre created in the country of Japan, Mystical Unity is a mahou shoujo genre project containing teams of teens and young adults (preferably female) fighting against the forces of evil to stop the spread of negativity and black magic created from the hands of a powerful sorcerer. This section focuses on character designs, locations, and other designs, expressing an appreciation for Japanese media through a Western lens.
The first team of Mystical Unity. The team consists of 3 fighters: Unity Star, Unity Baker, and Unity Clover
The second team of Mystical Unity, Jewelry Mystical Unity. The team consists of four fighters: Unity Ruby, Unity Emerald, Unity Sapphire, and Unity Zircon
The third team of Mystical Unity, Grand Mystical Unity. The team consists of 4 fighters: Unity Princess, Unity Fairy, Unity Witch, and Unity Hero
The fourth team of Mystical Unity, Prism Mystical Unity. The team consists of 6 fighters: Unity Pink, Unity Red, Unity Green, Unity Blue, Unity Purple, and Unity Black
The fifth team of Mystical Unity, Paradise Mystical Unity. The team consists of 2 fighters: Unity Spirit and Unity Guardian
The sixth team of Mystical Unity, Guardian Angel Mystical Unity. The team consists of 5 fighters: Unity Nerd, Unity Prep, Unity Delinquent, Unity Jock, and Unity Mastery
The seventh team of Mystical Unity, Liberty Mystical Unity. The team consists of 3 fighters: Unity Warrior, Unity Fighter, and Unity Legend
The eighth team of Mystical Unity, The Greatest Mystical Unity. The team consists of 3 fighters: Unity Star, Unity Angel, and Unity Heart
The first team of Mystical Unity: Season 2, Mystical Unity Super. The team consists of 3 fighters: Unity Rebel, Unity Solace, and Unity Shatter
The second team of Mystical Unity: Season 2, Mirage Mystical Unity. The team consists of 4 fighters: Unity Illusion, Unity Mystique, Unity Spell and Unity Mirage
The first group of villains of Mystical Unity, including a minor supporting character.
Violet Hoshimiya / Unity Star Character Profile
Chloe Bakhuizen / Unity Baker Character Profile
Cheryl Elven / Unity Clover Character Profile
Unity Star Transformation
Unity Baker Transformation
Unity Clover Transformation
Mystical Unity Weaponry
Hero Trading Card w/ Unity Baker
Villain Trading Card w/ Discord
Healing Trading Card